6285 Riverfront Center Boulevard, Titusville, FL 32780 +1 321 267 8108

Facilities Maintenance

Maintaining equipment, providing service, and optimizing assets to keep your facility operating efficiently.

Applying the correct facilities management and maintenance program (FM) makes a positive and considerable contribution to your bottom line on an ongoing basis. Unplanned maintenance typically costs three to nine times more than planned maintenance. RUSH Facilities’ FM service provides for the efficient management, operation, and maintenance of your business assets, influencing their life cost and usability. In compliance terms, responsible FM impacts the health and safety of those who use the facility and reduces the facility’s impact on the local environment. Many businesses split out responsibilities for various equipment needs to multiple vendors.

By choosing RUSH Facilities, we enable you to apply a “whole facility approach” to your facility management with our integrated and cross-functional service teams, saving you time and complexity dealing with multiple service providers. We provide you with a single-source solution for your maintenance needs and a dedicated team that makes you a priority; we can also assign a full-time team exclusively to your facility based on your requirement.

RUSH Facilities provides:

Preventative, corrective maintenance (time-based & usage-based). Preventative maintenance is maintenance that is regularly performed on a piece of equipment to lessen the likelihood of it failing. It is performed while the equipment is still working so that it does not break down unexpectedly. In terms of the complexity of this maintenance strategy, it falls between reactive (or run-to-failure) maintenance and predictive maintenance.

Predictive Maintenance:  Unlike reactive maintenance, predictive maintenance requires maintenance planning. RUSH Facilities utilizes CMMS software to track, plan and implement your predictive maintenance strategy, minimizing potential downtimes and disruptions to your operations. When predictive maintenance is used as a maintenance strategy, maintenance is only performed on equipment when it is required. Benefits of predictive maintenance and proactive asset management include minimizing the time the equipment is being maintained, minimizing the production hours lost to maintenance, and minimizing the cost of spare parts and supplies.

  • Non-recurring Maintenance & Repair
  • Facility Investment Recommendations through Assessments and Inspections
  • Plant Operations
  • Life Safety and Code Compliance
  • Correcting Maintenance deficiencies including systems test & balancing and commissioning (system-specific or whole building)
  • Advising on Building system deficiencies
  • Replacement of major components
  • CleanRoom Maintenance & Cleaning
  • ISO (Class 5-8) CleanRoom Maintenance & Cleaning
  • Building Automation Systems
  • IoT
  • Onsite Staffing Options

Stop wasting money on deferred maintenance. Contact us today to increase your facility’s ROI through the implementation of a strategic facilities maintenance and management plan and truly impact your business.